· As the US still struggles to regain stability with the supply chain, problems are compounding on a sector of the transportation portion that may have major affects ahead. The rail system is seeing many intensifying factors that are causing slow downs but additional delays and even worse may be in the future.
· Many industries have been battling labor shortages and the US rail has also been impacted by this issue. Several rails have reported due to long hours and not enough relief staff, conductors are often working much longer hours and being asked to be away from family creating a loss of employees and creating a major need for hiring for staff.
· Additionally, as seen all over the US congestion continues to be a major hurdle, as record imports again surged into the East Coast the month of June. This added increased pressure on a volatile import market.
· Further adding chaos at the rail is the described dead end of labor contract negotiations after 2 years. To help prevent a worsening of the situation President Biden has been asked as to send representatives to help ensure a contract agreement is made prior to any protentional labor strikes.
Friday July 15, 2022