· · As a changeling year comes to an end, commerce forecasters are looking ahead to what we should expect in the shipping industry in 2022. To accurately determine the future, we must first understand what has impacted the market throughout 2021. Some key influences include the pandemic and additional shutdowns throughout the year, there is also a huge amount of congestion creating delays and havoc around the world especially in the US. China’s ongoing energy crisis is also impacting manufacturing creating a lower available supply with a 40% cut in operations at manufacturing facilities in the country. Demand has also been a contributing force as well as domestic trucking shortages.
· Knowing the issues that impacted the last year in the shipping trade, market watchers then look to see if these problems have been resolved or if they will continue to be a concern into the next year. The pandemic appears to still be a factor that will continue to impact at least into the early part of 2022. Congestion also will still be an issue as demand for products is still high and until there is a stabilization in the supply there will continue to be a huge need for record import volume. China’s energy crisis could also have an additional impact as a cold winter would likely force an additional decrease in available power to be manufacturing. Lastly the domestic trucking force is working towards recruiting new drivers with directives being issued by the Biden Administration earlier this week to cut the red tape for potential needed employees.
· As these elements are considered when projecting the upcoming year analysts are of the belief that at least the first half of 2022 year will continue to be a trying time in the supply chain industry. Most seem to agree that is likely there will begin to be a stabilization in trade during this time frame as contributing complications begin to reach a resolution.
Friday December 17, 2021
